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The online summer camp between the School of Electrical Engineering and Automation and Amur Gongqingcheng National Technical University has successfully concluded​

来源:   时间:2023-08-29   点击数:

From August 17th to 24th, 2023, the School of Electrical Engineering and Automation at Jiangxi University of Science and Technology and Amur Gongqingcheng National Technical University jointly held a one week online summer camp. A total of 132 students majoring in Electronic Science and Technology (Sino foreign Cooperative Education) from grades 20, 21, and 22 signed up to participate in this summer camp activity. In just one week, teachers and students from the two universities had in-depth exchanges, actively participated in various learning activities, and jointly explored further teaching and academic cooperation.





The focus of this summer camp is on two courses: robotics technology and Russian. The robot technology course covers basic theoretical knowledge and the latest technological applications, and is taught by the foreign teacher of the course, Marcel Andrevich Melnichenko( Мельниченко Маркел Андреевич) Providing students with a comprehensive learning experience and online explanations; The Russian language course is taught by Emko Anastasia Gennadiyevna( Шимко Анастасия Геннадьевна) Teacher and professor, the focus has been on cultivating students' interest in Russian, stimulating their motivation to learn Russian, especially fully exercising their practical application abilities, and consolidating their foundation for in-depth learning of Russian technology and culture.





It is worth mentioning that although this activity was conducted online, the enthusiasm of the students remained undiminished. Both schools made sufficient preparations before the event to ensure real-time interaction and learning outcomes between teachers and students during the learning process. During this period, the students also spontaneously organized multiple online communication activities, deepening their understanding of each other's school culture and academic research. The successful hosting of this online summer camp not only enhances students' cross-cultural communication skills and stimulates their interest in professional technology, but also provides new ideas for cross-border exchanges between teachers and students, building a platform for cultural display, mutual learning, and broadening their horizons. (Image/Wenhe Guanxiang Wang Jiayi First Trial/Wu Guitai Lai Xiaohua Second Trial/Guo Sheng Third Trial/Lin Yuanzhang)

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