- The School of Electrical Engineering Holds the 2024 Undergraduate Graduates Postgraduate…2023-12-11
- The 36th December 9th Choral Competition of the School of Electrical Engineering has com…2023-11-23
- The School of Electrical Engineering holds the first "College Student Network Culture Fe…2023-11-20
- Lectures on Anti Fraud Propaganda and Education in the School of Electrical Engineering2023-11-17
- The School of Electrical Engineering holds the 13th Youth League Committee and Student U…2023-11-15
- The School of Electrical Engineering organizes 23 undergraduate freshmen to visit the la…2023-11-05
- Our students have won the second prize in the 18th National College Students Extracurric…2023-11-01
- 防范于心,反诈于行——电气学院开展反诈宣传教育讲座2023-11-15
- 电气学院举行第十三届团委、学生会换届大会2023-11-14
- 走进实验室,感受新课堂——电气学院组织23级本科新生参观实验室2023-11-04
- 我为同学办件事——电气学院开展新生宿舍安全卫生检查活动2023-11-02
- 我院学子斩获第十八届“挑战杯”全国大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛二等奖2023-11-01
- 青春心向党,团课我来讲——电气学院2023年微团课大赛圆满结束2023-10-27
- 电气学院举办“与书记面对面活动第三期暨新生班级座谈会”2023-10-25
- 电气学院开展“青春心向党,奋进新征程”党的基本知识教育讲座2023-10-23