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Lectures on Anti Fraud Propaganda and Education in the School of Electrical Engineering

来源:   时间:2023-11-17   点击数:

In order to enhance students' awareness of fraud prevention, improve their ability to prevent and identify fraud, and effectively build a strong ideological defense line, on November 14th, the School of Electrical Engineering invited instructor Zhang Dengcheng from the New Energy Vehicle Technology City Police Station of the Development Zone Branch of Ganzhou Public Security Bureau to give a themed lecture on "Preventing Telecommunications Fraud and Cracking down on Cybercrime" to students at the Zhiyuan Conference Center of Sanjiang Campus. 2023 undergraduate and graduate students attended this lecture.

At the beginning of the lecture, Instructor Zhang started with the question of "What is telecommunications fraud?". Instructor Zhang explained through case category analysis that online fraud technology is becoming increasingly diverse, and new types of scams are becoming increasingly confusing. Instructor Zhang reminds everyone to remember the "three no's and one more" principle of "not clicking on unknown links, not trusting unfamiliar calls, not disclosing personal information, and verifying transfers and remittances". Next, real campus cases that occurred around us were shared with the students present, using methods such as case demonstration and interactive questioning to explain the common fraudulent techniques and characteristics of criminals. This made the students aware that fraud is right around us, and anti fraud measures cannot be delayed.

Subsequently, cases of "impersonating e-commerce logistics", "AI changing faces and trafficking children", and "online false transactions" to deceive profits were introduced through videos, as well as "card cutting actions" and nationwide anti fraud actions, further warning students to be vigilant and not fall into the trap of scammers. Instructor Zhang hopes that each student will remember the dedicated number 96110 for combating telecommunications and network fraud, download the National Anti Fraud Center APP, and continuously enhance their self-protection awareness. Once they encounter suspected fraudsters, they should seek help from school teachers and the police in a timely manner.

This lecture on preventing telecom network fraud has provided students with a clearer understanding of the characteristics, common methods, and how to identify telecom network fraud, enhancing their ability to prevent and identify it. The School of Electrical Engineering will continue to carry out in-depth anti fraud propaganda and education, enhance students' anti fraud awareness, improve their ability to identify criminal means of telecommunications fraud, and build a strong defense line for campus prevention of telecommunications network fraud. (Image/Cheng Qiwen/Liao Weiting First Trial/Lu Yilong Second Trial/Lai Xiaohua Third Trial/Guo Sheng)



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